As Spring Approaches…

   Winter’s not the most pleasant of times for most people (unless you know how to ski), but Spring is quickly approaching. And, while that means that the weather will finally warm up, and there will be sunshine and flowers, there are also some things that you should be mindful of.

   Humans are not the only animals who enjoy Spring. The woodland creatures who have been hunkered-down for the last several months will start to emerge, and like anyone happy with Spring, frolic about. While that can be great, it’s important that people be on the look-out so that no one gets harmed. With hibernation ending, and little ones being born, more and more animals will be out-and-about. So, you need to be sure to be extra careful when driving, bike-riding, etc. to avoid anyone being harmed. On a similar note, try not to scare any animals by getting too close or being too loud, because that might cause them to run, and they could potentially be in the same danger. Take great pictures, and talk calmly from afar if you like (I can’t resist saying “hi” most of the time), but try not to spook anyone. And, whether you are a driver or a passenger, keep an eye out for animals crossing the road (and remember that many animals often travel with others–so if one has just crossed the street, there might be more), and if driving, take evasive actions to prevent any harm (drive slowly and carefully, use your brakes, and find a safe way to “swerve” out of the way if you are not able to stop).

   As mentioned above, Spring is a big time for baby animals. And, similarly to how many wild animals are born in the Spring, so are many of domesticated species. Spring has come to be called “kitten season” in the rescue community, because there is such a population boom this time of year. And while ‘most everyone loves kittens, there are so many out there in need of homes, that things are often dire. 😦 SO many innocent animals (as young as a few weeks old, even–if not younger) are heinously killed in “shelters” every day, and that needs to stop! And while conquering the “system” is going to take some time, one thing that you can do to help save lives is to get pets spayed and neutered so that there are not more animals displaced. Every animal alive deserves to live, and by preventing further breeding, existing animals can find homes that might otherwise go to one of the many kittens or puppies who come into the world because of breeders or irresponsibility. (And, while I love all animals including kittens and puppies [of course!], it’s important to ensure the safety of the existing ones, as complicated as it might be to think about the “figurative” ones when it comes to spaying and neutering. [Just to clarify, this does not refer to animals who are already pregnant…They should not be spayed until after their babies have been born!!!])
   If you are someone who has a pet–especially if they go outside or are around others of the opposite gender–it is important to get them spayed/neutered. And, if you are someone who cares for outdoor or feral cats, it can help a lot if you can get them spayed/neutered as well. Many areas have “TNR”–“Trap, Neuter, Release” programs that can help with the latter. And, for anyone looking for low-cost spay/neuter programs, here is a list of programs and resources that you might be able to utilize to help with that….

Please, help protect animals this Spring, and always!

For more information on any programs, or for assistance in finding a program that can help you, feel free to post in the “comments” section or e-mail The Vegan Collective at