P.A.N. Vegan Pledge Program Coming to Sussex County

Peace Advocacy Network has been running a US version of the Vegan Pledge Program for quite some time, and as of this March, it is going to be offered in Northern New Jersey.

The Vegan Pledge Program is a program in which people who are interested in a vegan lifestyle take a pledge to Go Vegan for a month–in which time, they are mentored by vegans, and attend weekly meetings where they have a chance to hear presentations about a variety of topics relating to veganism–including health; environmental impact; and of course, animals.  Participants, also, receive vegan care packages, and get to meet a variety of people.  It is a great opportunity for anyone who is interested in going vegan for any reason, as well as for family members of vegans who want their family to experience the way of life that they enjoy, and hope for them to embrace it themselves.

The program has a high success rate for people staying vegan after the 30-day period, and has thrived and expanded in recent years, and is being offered in 8 locations (so far) in 2013.

For more information on the Vegan Pledge Program, you can visit the P.A.N. site at http://www.panveganpledge.org/

And, for more information on the North Jersey Vegan Pledge Program that NJARC will be hosting in March, as well as a registration form, please visit http://www.panveganpledge.org/forms/PanVeganPledgeformNorthNJ2013.htm

The North Jersey program’s meetings will take place each Saturday in March–most at the Main Branch of the Sussex County Library (one meeting location is still-to-be-determined).

If you are interested in either being a program participant, or a mentor, please sign up, contact P.A.N., or send an e-mail to Kristin_NJARC@live.com

~*Kristin Star*